New Year's Resolutions

A New Years Resolutions thread at Sequenza 21 reminded me about making New Year’s resolutions. There’s so many needs tugging at me, but all I want to do is make musical plans. I want to remedy my lack of momentum of the past few months.

Everyone knows - economic times are tough. They’re tough here right now. Do I have to look for a good paying job? Go back to technical writing? I still have lots of music ideas, and I don’t want to give up that kind of time. I have my parents to look after too, and that has taken a lot of my emotional energy away from composing. I’m no super woman. I don’t do well at trying to do it all.

So these are the resolutions I’d like to make, and I hope the coming year will let me keep them:
Then there’s the would-be-nice stuff:
Oh dear, this sounds overly ambitious. Maybe my only resolution should be to focus on one thing at a time and gain the satisfaction of finishing it.

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